
把自己作为方法  作者:项飙/吴琦



● Making Money from Making Order: International Labor Recruiters and the Chinese State . Princeton University Press, forthcoming.

● Transcending Boundaries: Zhejiangcun: the Story of A Migrant Village in Beijing. Translated by Jim Weldon based on Kuayue Bianjie de Shequ (see below). Brill Academic Publishers. 2005.

(Reviewed by Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute; Population and Development Review ; The China Journal ; Asian Anthropology; China Review International ; Asian Journal of Social Science; Population, Space and Place. )

● Global “Body Shopping”: An Indian International Labor System in the Information Technology Industry . Princeton University Press. 2006.

● 《跨越边界的社区:北京“浙江村”的生活史》,北京:三联书店,2000年。

● 《全球“猎身”:世界信息产业和印度的技术劳工》,王迪依据英文著作Global“Body Shopping” 翻译,北京:北京大学出版社,2010年。


● Return: Nationalizing Transnational Mobility in Asia . edited with Brenda Yeoh and Mika Toyota. Duke University Press. 2013.

● Special issue of Pacific Affairs , “Opening the Black Box of Transnational Mobility: Brokers, the Organisation of Transnational Mobility, and the Changing Political Economy in Asia.” edited with Johan Lindquist and Brenda Yeoh. 2012, 85(1).

● Special Issue of Ethnography , “Ethnographic experiments in transnational mobility studies”. edited with Mika Toyota. 2013, 14(3).

● Social Debates in Contemporary China. edited with Wang Hui, Jennifer Holdaway, Shi Anshu and David Kelly. Princeton University Press. In preparation.

● Special Issue of Cross-Currents , “Governing Marriage Migration”. edited with Elena Barabantseva and Antonia Chao. 2015(No. 15). https://cross-currents.berkeley.edu/e-journal/issue-15/intro.

● Special Issue of Mobilities , “Migration Infrastructures and the Constitution of(Im)mobilities”. edited with Weiqiang Lin, Johan Lindquist and Brenda S. A. Yeoh. 2017, 12(2).


● Lindquist, Johan and Biao Xiang. 2019. “Space of Mediation: Labour Migration, Intermediaries and the State in Indonesia and China since the Nineteenth Century”. Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales , 2019, 35(1 & 2): 39-62.

● Xiang, Biao and Johan Lindquist. 2018. “Infrastructuralization: Evolving Sociopolitical Dynamics in Labour Migration from Asia”. Pacific Affairs 91(4): 759-773.

● Xiang, Biao. 2017. The base: a case of infrastructural governance of labour outmigration in China. Mobilities 12(2): 175-187.

● Lin, Weiqiang, Johan Lindquist, Biao Xiang & Brenda S. A. Yeoh. 2017. Migration infrastructures and the production of migrant mobilities. Mobilities 12(2): 167-174.

● Xiang, Biao. 2017. Hundreds of millions in suspension.(Preface for the inaugural issue of Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration ). 1(1): 3-5.

● Xiang, Biao. 2016. Theory as vision. Anthropological Theory . 16(2-3): 213-220.

● Xiang, Biao. 2016. Beyond methodological nationalism and epistemological behaviouralism: drawing illustrations from migrations within and from China. Population, Space and Place. Volume 22, Issue 7: 669-680.

● Xiang, Biao and Johan Lindquist. 2014. Migration infrastructure. International Migration Review , 50th Anniversary edition: 122-148.

● Xiang, Biao. 2014. The would-be migrant: post-socialist primitive accumulation, potential transnational mobility, and the displacement of the present in northeast China. TRaNS: Trans-Regional and-National Studies of Southeast Asia . 2(2): 183-199.

● French translation to be published in Monde Commun: Des anthropologues dans la cite , guest editors Michel Agier, David Picherit and Carolina Kobelinksy, 2019(3): 128-145.

● Xiang, Biao. 2013. Multi-scalar ethnography: An approach for critical engagement with migration and social change. Ethnography . 14(3): 282-299. Reprinted in Kahryn Hughes, Jerry Coulton, John Goodwin and Jason Hughes eds. Contemporary Approaches to Ethnographic Research . New Delhi: Sage. 2017, forthcoming.

● Xiang, Biao. 2012. Labor transplant: “Point-to-point” transnational labor migration in East Asia. The South Atlantic Quarterly 111(4): 721-739.

Japanese translation with revisions 2018中国から東アジア諸国への労働「移植」:人材募集会社による移住管理システム,In栗田和明(編)《移動と移民:複数社会を結ぶ人々の動態》京都:昭和堂 ,157-199

● Toyota, Mika and Biao Xiang. 2012. “The emerging transnational ‘retirement industry’ in Southeast Asia”. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy , 32(11)708-719.

● Xiang, Biao. 2012. Predatory princes and princely peddlers: The state and international labor migration brokers in China. Pacific Affairs . 85(1): 47-68.(winner of the 2012 William L. Holland Prize for best article of the year)

● Lindquist, Johan, Biao Xiang and Brenda S. A. Yeoh. 2012. Introduction: Opening the Black Box of Migration: Brokers, the Organization of Transnational Mobility and the Changing Political Economy in Asia. Pacific Affairs . 85(1): 1-7.

● Xiang, Biao. 2011. A Ritual Economy of ‘Talent’: China and Overseas Chinese Professionals. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies . 37: 5, 821-838.

Reprinted in The Cultural Politics of Talent Migration in East Asia. Brenda Yeoh and Shirlena Huang eds. Routledge: 154-171.

● Pieke, Frank and Biao Xiang. 2009. Les Chinois au Royaume-Uni, ou l'illusion de l'immigration choisie. Critique Internationale . 4(45): 97-117.

● Pieke, Frank and Biao Xiang. 2009. Legality and Labour: Chinese Migration, Neoliberalism and the State in the UK and China. Geopolitics, History, and International Relations . 1(1): 11-45.

● Xiang, Biao and Wei Shen. 2009. International Student Migration and Social Stratification in China. International Journal of Educational Development . 29(5): 513-522.

● Xiang, Biao. 2007. The Making of Mobile Subjects: How Institution Reform and Outmigration Intersect in Northeast China. Development . 50(4): 69-74.

● Xiang, Biao. 2007. Productive Outflow of Skills: What India and China Can Learn from Each Other. Asian Population Journal . 3(2)July: 115-133.

● Xiang, Biao. 2007. How Far Are the Left-behind Left Behind? A Preliminary Study in Rural China. Population, Space and Place . 13(3): 179-191.

● Xiang, Biao. 2005. Gender, Dowry and the Migration System of Indian Information Technology Professionals. Indian Journal of Gender Studies . 12(2&3): 357-380.

- Reprinted in Marriage, Migration and Gender . Rajni Palriwala and Patricia Uberoi eds. Sage. 2008: 235-257.

● Xiang, Biao and Tan Shen. 2005. Does Migration Research Matter in China? A Review of Migration Research and its Relations to Policy Since the 1980s. International Journal on Multicultural Societies. 7(1): 11-32.

● Xiang, Biao. 2004. Towards an Emigration Study: A South Perspective. Economic and Political Weekly . 39(34): 3798-3803.

● Xiang, Biao. 2003. SARS and Migrant Workers in China. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. 12(4): 467-499.

● Xiang, Biao. 2003. Emigration from China: A Sending Country's Perspective. International Migration . 41(3): 21-48.

Reprinted in The Chinese Overseas (Routledge Library of Modern China), Liu Hong ed. Routledge. 2006: 352-378.

● Xiang, Biao. 2001. Structuration of Indian Information Technology Professionals' Migration to Australia: An Ethnographic Study. International Migration . 39(5): 73-90.

● Xiang, Biao. 1999. “Xi ”, Relations Cluster, and Creation of a Migrant Community in Contemporary China. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal . 8(3): 343-59.

● Ma, Laurence J. C. and Biao Xiang. 1998. Native Place, Migration and the Emergence of Peasant Enclaves in Beijing. China Quarterly . Vol. 155: 68-103.

- Reprinted in People's Republic of China . The International Library of Social Change. Frank Pieke ed. Aldershot: Ashgate. 2002.

- Reprinted in Contemporary Chinese Society and Politics . Andrew Kipnis, Luigi Tomba, and Jonathan Unger eds. Routledge. 2009.


● Xiang, Biao and Qiang Ma. 2019. “Mobility Assemblage and the Return of Islam in Southeast China” in Eric Tagliacozzo, Helen F. Siu, and Peter C. Perdue eds. Asia Inside Out: Itinerant People. Harvard University Press: 52-74.

● Lindquist, Johan and Xiang, Biao. 2018. “The infrastructural turn in Asian migration”in Routledge Handbook of Asian Migrations (eds.)Gracia Liu-Farrer and Brenda S. A. Yeoh: 152-161.

● Xiang, Biao. 2016. “You've got to rely on yourself...and the state!” A structural chasm in the Chinese political morality. In Ghost Protocol: Development and Displacement in Global China. Carols Rojas and Ralph Litzinger eds. Duke University Press: 131-149.

● Xiang, Biao. 2015. “The rise of China, changing patterns of outmigration and the implications.”In The Handbook on Migration and Identity within China and Overseas. Robyn Iredale and Fei Guo eds. Edward Elgar Publishing.

● Xiang, Biao. 2014. Pacific Paradox: The Chinese State in Transpacific Spheres. In Transpacific Studies: Framing an Emerging Field . Janet Hoskins and Viet Thanh Nguyen eds. Hawai'i University Press. 85-105.

Chinese translation太平洋悖论(余旸trans.)《区域》(2016)北京:中国社会科学出版社(Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences Publishing House)

● Xiang, Biao. 2014. The Return of Return: Migration, Asia and Theory. In Global and Asian Perspectives on International Migration . Graziano Battistella ed. Springer. 167-182.

● Xiang, Biao. 2013. Introduction “Return and the Reordering of Transnational Mobility in Asia”. In Return: Nationalizing Transnational Mobility in Asia . Xiang Biao, Brenda Yeoh and Mika Toyota eds. Duke University Press. 1-20.

● Xiang, Biao. 2013. Transnational Encapsulation: Compulsory Return as a Labor Migration Control in East Asia In Return: Nationalizing Transnational Mobility in Asia . Xiang Biao, Brenda Yeoh and Mika Toyota eds. Duke University Press. 83-99.

● Xiang, Biao. 2012. “Wind through the Woods: Ethnography of Interfaces between Migration and Institutions”. In David W. Haines, Keiko Yamanaka, and Shinji Yamashita. Eds. Wind over Water: Rethinking Migration in an East Asian Setting. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. 36-46.

● Xiang, Biao. 2010. Labour Pains. In Ira Pande(ed.)IndiaChina: Neighbours-Strangers . HaperCollions Publisher: 252-261.

● Xiang, Biao. 2008. Ethnic Transnational Middle Classes in Formation. In Aswini Saith and M Vijay Bhaskar. eds. ICTs and Indian Social Change: Diffusion, Governance, Poverty . New Delhi: Sage Publications: 231-368.

● Xiang, Biao. 2008. Transplanting Labor in East Asia. In Yamashita Shinji , Makito Minami, David Haines and Jeremy Edes. eds. Transnational Migration in East Asia: Japan in a Comparative Focus(Senri Ethnological Reports 77) . Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology: 175-186.

Italian translation by Gigi Roggero, in La testa del drago. Lavoro cognitivo ed economia della conoscenza in Cina . 2010. Ombre Corte.

● Black, Richard, Biao Xiang, Michael Collyer, Godfried Engbersen, Liesbeth Heering and Eugenia Markova. 2006. “Migration and Development: Causes and Consequences.”In Rinus Penninx, Maria Berger, Karen Kraal eds. The Dynamics of International Migration and Settlement in Europe: A State of the Art . Amsterdam University Press: 41-64.

● Xiang, Biao. 2005. Working with Uncertainty. In Govindan Parayil ed. Political Economy and Information Capitalism in India: Digital Divide, Development Divide and Equity . Palgrave Macmillan: 174-195.

● Xiang, Biao. 2005. An Institutional Approach towards Migration and Health in China. In Santosh Jatrana, Mika Toyota and Brenda Yeoh eds. Migration and Health in Asia . Routledge: 161-176.

● Xiang, Biao. 2004. Indian Information Technology Professionals' World System: The Nation and the Trans-nation in Individuals' Migration Strategy. In Brenda Yeoh and Katie Willis eds. State/Nation/Transnation: Perspectives on Transnationalism in the Asia-Pacific . Routledge: 161-178.

● Xiang, Biao and Zhao Jian. 2003. Changes in Contemporary Chinese Migration. In World Migration Report 2003 . Geneva: International Organization for Migration.

● Xiang, Biao. 1999. Zhejiang Village in Beijing: Creating A Visible Non-state Space through Migration and Marketized Traditional Networks. In Frank Pieke and Hein Mallee, eds,Internal and International Migration: Chinese Perspectives . Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 215-250.

● Xiang Biao. 1999. Expanding with Congregating: Studies on Migrant Communities in Beijing. In Stephen Fitzpatrick ed. Work and Mobility: Recent Labour Migration Issues in China . Asia Pacific Migration Research Network Working Papers. No. 6: 61-79.


● 《“流动性聚集”和“陀螺式经济”假说:通过“非典”和新冠肺炎疫情看中国社会的变化》,载于《开放时代》2020年第3期:53—60页。

● 《正规化的纠结:北京“浙江村”和中国社会二十年来的变化》,载于《二十一世纪》2017年2月号:11—27页。

● 《从新清史到满学范式》(项飙、刘小萌、欧立德),载于《二十一世纪》2016年10月号:4—26页。

● 《中国社会科学“知青时代”的终结》(The End of the“Educated Youth Era”in the Chinese Social Sciences),载于《文化纵横》2015年12月号:70—79页。

● 《我们如何叙述当下、进入历史:兼论人类学的现实角色》,载于《考古人类学刊》83期(2015年12月号):89—102页。

● 《劳工移植:东亚的跨国劳动力流动和“点对点”式的全球化》,载于《开放时代》,吕云芳翻译,2011第6期:16—28页。



● 《普通人的“国家”理论》,载于《开放时代》2010年第10期:117—132页。

● 《猎身经营——不平等社会结构与印度IT业》,载于《中国经济》2010年第2期和《二十一世纪环球经济》2010年3月23日。

● 《寻找一个新世界:中国近现代对“世界”的理解的变化》,载于《开放时代》2009年第9期:103—114页。

● 《跨国华人》,载于《读书》,2004年第5期。

● 《从浙江村到中关村》,载于《读书》2000年第4期。

● 《社区何为》,载于《社会学研究》1998年第6期:54—62页。

● 《逃避,联合与表达》,载于《中国社会科学季刊》,1998, 1(22):91—112页;同时收录于中国社会科学院社会研究所主办、应星主编:《中国社会学》,2002年,上海人民出版社。

● 《进城农民:一个关系到每一个人的话题》,载于《中国农村》1998年第1期。

● 《冷热北大》,载于《北京大学百年校庆特辑》,北京大学出版社,1998年。

● 《社区发展与城市社会重构》,载于《战略与管理》1997年第6期:11—19页。

● 《传统和新社会空间的形成》,载于《战略与管理》1996年第6期:105—116页。



● 《八百万个流动梦》,载于冯林主等编《21世纪中国大预测:百名学者精英访谈纪实》,改革出版社,1996。

● 《流动人口聚居区:全球的视角》,载于《瞭望》1995, 48: 26—28页。

● 《清溪:城市社会成长中的割裂结构》,载于殷顺喜等编《创造21世纪的新文明》,北京:新世界出版社,1995年:86—115页。

● 《中国现代化进城中的“悬浮”群体》,载于《北京大学研究生学刊》1995年第10期。

● 《乡——城流动经营户的租赁行为》,载于北京市统计局编:《北京年鉴1994》,北京年鉴社,1994年。

● 《落后农村地区的基层政府和经济启动》,载于北京大学主办:《跨世纪》1992年第3期。


● The Coronavirus and Mobility Forum https://www.compas.ox.ac.uk/project/the-coronavirus-and-mobility-forum/, including posts Mobile Livelihoods, Chain Reactions and Grid Reactions, Gyroscope-Like Economy(I and II), Point-to-point Labour Transport

● 《贴着地皮看世界》,《南风窗》,2015年5月6日,http://www.nfcmag.com/article/5546.html。

● 《中国人像蜂鸟,振动翅膀悬在空中》(Chinese people are like hummingbird, vibrating wings in order to suspend themselves in the air),界面新闻“正午”访谈,2014年12月17日,http://www.jiemian.com/article/215429.html。

● “Space of mediation”, Anthropology News (American Anthropological Association). 55(12)December 2014.

● Review essay, “Who are the ‘Us’ and who are the‘Them’?” on Us and Them? The Dangerous Politics of Immigration Control by Bridget Anderson. Anti-Trafficking Review , 2013, 2(2013): 156-163.

● “Why do Chinese Migrants Have to Pay so Much to Work Overseas?” Pacific Affairs Memo #135, February 28, 2012. http://www.asiapacificmemo.ca/why-do-chinese-migrants-have-to-pay-so-much-to-work-overseas

● Book Review: The Individualization of Chinese Society by Yunxiang Yan, Journal of Biosocial Science , 2011, 43(1): 126-127.

● Book Review: Hsiao-Hung Pai. 2012. Scattered Sand: The Story of China's Rural Migrants . London: Verso. Journal of Chinese Overseas. Forthcoming.

● “The Changing Order of Mobility in Asia.” The Newsletter (International Institute for Asian Studies). Spring 2009. No. 50: 5.

● “Compulsory Return”. The Newsletter (International Institute for Asian Studies). Spring 2009. No. 50: 8.

● “Tackling Global Uncertainties.” City & Society . 2009. Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp.22-27.

● “Chinese Overseas: Emigration and Globalization;” Encyclopedia of Modern China . David Fong(editor in chief). Charles Scribner's Sons. Volume 1: 253-256.

● “Outmigration;” and “Human Trafficking.” Encyclopedia of Modern China . David Fong(editor in chief). Charles Scribner's Sons. Volume 2: 420-423.

● Book Review: Chinese Migrants and Internationalism: Forgotten Histories, 1917-1945 by Gregor Benton. Journal of Chinese Overseas . 2008, 4(1): 147-149.

● “A Time of Global Mobility, A Time of Global Entrapment.” Essay for Double: Photographs by Chang Chien-Chi . The National Museum of Singapore. 2008: 15-19.

● “The Social Production of Hierarchy & What We Can Do About It: Notes from Asia”, in edu-factory collective. 2009. Towards a Global Autonomous University: Cognitive Labor, The Production of Knowledge, and Exodus from the Education Factory . New York: Autonomedia: 80-83. Italian version “La produzione sociale di gerarchia e quello che possiamo fare: appunti dall'Asia.”In EduFacotry. L'universita'globale: Il nuovo mercato del sapere . Rome:manifestolibri: 83-86.

● “Commercial Bureaucrats: International Labor Recruiters and the States in East Asia.”Special feature for Asia Research Institute Newsletter , Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. March 2008: 6. Reprinted at Generation on Line . http://www.generation-online.org/c/fc_rent11.htm.

● “Society is My Study Room.”Interview by Wenzhou Urban News (Chinese). 21 June 2007.

● “Ouverture aux mobilités.” Migrations internationales——Chaînon manquant de la mondialisation . revue "Courrier de la planète", n °81/82, juillet-décembre, 2006: 73-77.

● “Relaciones internacionales y migraciones transnacionales: el caso de China”.(International relations and transnational migration: the case of China)Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals (Barcelona), núm. 2005, 68: 133-149.

● “SARS: Public Health and Social Science Perspectives.”(with Teresa Wong.)Economic and Political Weekly . 2003. June 21: 2480-3.

● “Communities Unbound.” China Development Brief . 2003. Vol. VI No. 1: July.


● 2018 Gordon White Lecture, Sussex University, UK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WREuYYT2CjI&feature=youtu.be

● 2018 International Scholar Lecture, Seoul National University, South Korea.

● Keynote in Policy Workshop Emigration Trends and Policies in China for fourteen officials from nine EU Member States Embassies in Beijing. Organized by the International Organization for Migration(IOM). 9 January 2018, Beijing.

● Public Lecture: "The Other Precariat: Notes from Asia", University of California Santa Cruz. 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzXtJPDQ19o

● 2015 Wertheim Lecture, University of Amsterdam and International Institute for Asian Studies(Leiden).

● Keynote lecture “International Labour Recruitment: Conceptual and Policy Challenges”. International Labour Organization, Bangkok, 3 October 2014.

● Mainstreaming left-behind children into community development and migration management. Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for the UN General Assembly High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development 2013 . May 29-31, 2013, Bangkok.

● The Intermediary Trap: International Labour Recruitment, Transnational Governance and State-Citizen Relations in China. 2012 Asia Lecture , University of York, Canada, November 5, 2012. Published as York University Asia Colloquia Papers Vol. 03 No. 01 // 2013. https://ycar.apps01.yorku.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Asia_Colloquia_Papers_Xiang.pdf

● The Rise of Asia and the Rise of China. Keynote, Conference on Inter-Asian Connections III . Hong Kong, June 6-8, 2012.

● Ordinary People's Sociology. Public lecture, Public Library of Wenzhou Prefecture . Wenzhou, China. March 23, 2008.

● The Visible and Invisible Women. International Conference on Gender, Migration and Development . Office of the President, Republic of the Philippines. Manila. September 26, 2008.

● Migration, the Left-behind, and Development. UNICEF Regional Consultation on Children and Migration , Baku, Azerbaijan. March 27-28, 2007.

● A New Mobility Regime in the Making: Policy Changes and Challenges in Chinese Internal and International Migration. Lecture for officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance, France, organized by the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations, Paris. October 16, 2006.

● The International Mobility of the Highly Skilled and Development: A Comparison of China and India. United Nations Symposium on International Migration and Development . Turin, Italy, June 28-30, 2006.

● Migrant Networks and Knowledge Exchange. Lecture for State Council Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs, People's Republic of China, Beijing. March 3, 2006.

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